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Robert Langenfeld Compositions

Composer’s Corner – Entry 2 – Aaaaand we’re live!

September 21, 2014

After months of work we are please to launch the brand new Lots of things went into making the website a lot more user friendly. Below is a list of features you will find on the website:

  • Mobile version for people viewing on phones.
  • Easier way to view and purchase scores.
  • Blog posts and RSS feeds.
  • Share pieces with your friends on a multitude of social media sites! (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Redit, and many more!)

Along with this we have an amazing new logo curtesy of Healther Chatlos of Oprava Studios. She is an incredibly talented designer out of Kansas City, MO and it’s been a pleasure working with her on this. You also might have noticed that there are works still missing from the sight (a lot of them to be exact). We are working on getting them updated and re-uploaded. We have a good chunk of the chamber works uploaded and we will start getting more concert pieces uploaded asap along with jazz pieces as well.

One big feature that I’m personally excited about is the new blog post section. I’ve started a new blog called “Composers Corner“. In it I will post insights into my composing process and various other projects I’m working on. It will be great for me and hopefully be a great read for you as well.

Make sure to throw us a like on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. We will be much more active there now and will post new works there as well. Thanks again for visiting RLCompositions. Go ahead and take a look around and make sure to come back often for newly uploaded works!

-Robert Langenfeld